Nursery Rhymes are a fantastic way to introduce emergent readers to those early reading skills whilst developing children’s confidence and enjoyment for reading.
These Nursery Rhymes printables with a literacy focus, have everything you need when introducing the topic of Nursery Rhymes or Fairy Tales to your Kindergarteners.
Featuring the following Nursery Rhymes:
- Little Miss Muffet
- Little Bo Peep
- Hey Diddle, Diddle
- Humpty Dumpty
- Little Jack Horner
- The Queen of Hearts
- Jack be nimble
Includes activities for: Shared reading, Independent Reading, Literacy Groups/Circles, Daily 5, Handwriting/Fine Motor.
This 55 page packet includes:
- A4 colour posters of each nursery rhyme – perfect for shared reading (can be blown up to A3). Once you have finished with it during shared reading you can place it in a display folder to create a class Nursery Rhyme book for your classroom library.
- Student Nursery Rhyme booklet – including front cover and pages for them to create their own books.
- Fill in the gaps – cut and paste activity for each nursery rhyme
- Sentence pocket chart strips for each nursery rhyme – good for whole class focus as well as independent and group student literacy centers. (Sentence Sequencing)
- Handwriting and sentence sequencing worksheets for each nursery rhyme.
Study one Nursery Rhyme a week - perfect for back to school activities for Grade Prep at the beginning of the year.
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Please note, this is a downloadable, digital file that you can access immediately after purchase.
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To edit: If the product description stipulates that the file is editable, it will be editable only in Microsoft PowerPoint. You will need to have access to Microsoft Powerpoint to be able to type in your text. You can access a free trial here.
‘Editable’ refers to the *text* within the file being customisable. Images and colour palettes are not editable. Simply type into the text boxes provided or add in your own to edit.
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Copyright ©Chantelle Jacobs
Miss Jacobs Little Learners Pty Ltd