Effortlessly reinforce multiplication skills with the Modern Jungle Earthy Times Table Chart ! Designed in warm, neutral tones, this printable times table chart covers multiplication facts from 1 to 12, making it an essential...
Make analog clock mastery easy with clear visuals! Modern Jungle Earthy Telling Time and Clock Posters are essential clock posters to guide students through O’Clock, Half Past, Quarter Past, and Quarter To in your...
Empower students to approach math challenges with assurance with Modern Jungle Earthy Math Problem-Solving Strategies Posters ! Designed to support critical thinking and logical reasoning, this set breaks down 10 essential problem-solving strategies into...
Build a strong foundation in place value with these earthy-toned Modern Jungle Place Value Posters . Designed in warm, neutral tones, this set supports place value activities using base 10 blocks , providing clear...
Help students develop number sense and subitizing skills with the Modern Jungle Earthy Number Posters with Ten Frames ! Covering 0–100 in warm, neutral tones, these posters support counting, place value, and arithmetic, providing...
Give students the visual support they need to build confidence in multiplication using the Modern Jungle Earthy Multiplication Charts and Times Table ! Part of the Modern Jungle Earthy Math Posters Bundle , these...
Help students understand math operations with clear, structured visuals using the Modern Jungle Earthy Math Operations Posters . These printable math anchor charts break down the four math operations–addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—with key...
Fractions can be tricky, but these Modern Jungle Earthy Fraction Anchor Charts make them easy to grasp! These printable math anchor charts simplify complex concepts into clear, kid-friendly visuals, making fractions easier to understand...
Enhance students' addition skills with the Modern Jungle Earthy Addition Strategies Posters . These resources are essential for your elementary math wall, bulletin board, or as handy references on student desks. These printable addition...
The Modern Jungle 3D Shape Posters bring geometry to life with their earthy tones and clear, stylish design. Featuring 28 classroom math posters of 3D shape names, visuals , and definitions of faces, edges,...
Support math instruction with the Modern Jungle Earthy 2D Shape Posters , a must-have for your elementary math walls, bulletin board, or student desk references. These printable and editable 2D shape anchor charts help...
Give your students a little extra testing motivation with these cute and encouraging DO-NUT Stress Gift Cards and Posters ! Designed to inspire positivity and motivation, these printable treat tags pair perfectly with a...
Guide students through the writing process with clarity and confidence using the Modern Jungle Earthy Writing Process Posters ! These structured printable ELA anchor charts simplify the five essential steps—Pre-writing, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and...
Empower students to master different text types with the Modern Jungle Earthy Text Type Posters ! These structured printable ELA posters break down key text structures into clear and easy-to-follow outlines, including narrative, persuasive,...
The Modern Jungle Earthy Synonym Posters are an engaging way to enhance vocabulary in the classroom. Featuring keyword synonyms, these printable ELA anchor charts support visual learning by providing alternatives for common words, strengthening...
Make recount writing simple and engaging with the Modern Jungle Earthy Recount Posters ! These structured printable writing anchor charts help students organize and retell experiences using clear prompts like Who, What, Where, When,...
Make reading comprehension strategies clear and accessible with the Modern Jungle Earthy Reading Comprehension Strategies Posters ! These printable ELA anchor charts simplify key skills like visualizing, predicting, inferring, and summarizing, offering clear explanations....
The Modern Jungle Earthy Punctuation Posters help students understand and apply punctuation marks correctly with concise definitions, real-world examples, and easy-to-read designs. These printable ELA posters are perfect for English walls , bulletin boards...
The Modern Jungle Earthy Parts of Speech Posters simplify grammar with clear definitions and real-world sentence examples, helping students master parts of speech with confidence. These printable elementary ELA anchor charts support writing and...
Give students a strong grasp of figurative language with the Modern Jungle Earthy Figurative Language Posters ! These engaging ELA posters break down figurative language types like similes, metaphors, idioms, personification, and more, with...
Make decoding reading strategies clear and accessible, empowering students to become confident, independent readers with the Modern Jungle Earthy Decoding Reading Strategies Posters ! These printable ELA anchor charts break down essential decoding strategies...
Make writing instruction clear and engaging with the Modern Jungle Earthy 6 + 1 Traits of Writing Posters ! These structured English classroom posters break down essential writing traits—Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence...
Make phonics instruction engaging and effective with the Modern Jungle Earthy Phonics Posters ! These printable ELA anchor charts help students master phonics sounds through clear visuals, sound-word connections, and phonics examples, offering functional...
Help students strengthen their reading comprehension and writing strategies skills with the Modern Jungle Earthy English Posters Bundle . Designed as daily reference tools , these classroom anchor charts support explicit instruction and provide...