Creative Harmony Day activities for the classroom
Harmony Day is one of my absolute favourite days to celebrate in the classroom! It’s all about embracing inclusivity, diversity, and the amazing cultures that make our communities so special....
The end of 2024 is (literally) around the corner and before we all freak out about 2025 rearing its head, I thought it would be nice to reflect on the AMAZING year we’ve had and take a look back at all the classroom decor trends that took 2024 by storm.
This year has been incredible for Miss Jacobs Little Learners and I want to thank you for being here, buying the products and resources that I pour my heart into, allowing me in your classrooms and supporting my business. I feel like the best way to cap off the year is to have a bit of fun so sit back, relax and enjoy the MJLL classroom wrap-up for 2024.
Think of this as the medal ceremony of the teaching world, the Logies or Oscars of classroom decor, and the Spotify Wrapped of education resources, ALL bundled into one big blog.
It’s been a biiig year for Miss Jacobs Little Learners! Lots of changes, growth, innovation, and a huge community of lovely teachers that is continuing to increase in size every day. My team has expanded, there’s LOADS in the works and I really feel like next year will be even bigger.
In 2024, MJLL launched 4 new collections starting off in May with the release of Boho Plants! I knew I needed something earthy and green for those teachers out there looking for a softer classroom theme that radiated calm energy and you guys LOVED it! Fast forward to November where I soft launched 2 new – and highly requested – decor packs, Pastels and Ombre Neutrals. After launching a few different spotty ranges in the past, the feedback was that some of you loved the colors and the graphics but just wished you could remove the spots. I heard you loud and clear and created these 2 minimalist packs without the spots. And if you’re holding out for the Rainbow and the Boho without the spots, keep an eye out for those coming soon. Then last but not least in early December I released my brand new collection Modern Jungle and you guys LOVED it! It may be too early to tell but I think it could be a popular classroom decor theme for 2025.
While loads of you loved to score all your classroom resources in a bundle, others love to pick and choose pieces throughout the year and mix and match decor collections. Without further ado, here are the awards for the top 3 most loved MJLL products of 2024:
The Boho Rainbow Bulletin Board Lettering Pack! The community has created some AMAZING classroom displays using these lettering kits featuring different fonts and 3 styles of lettering in multiple color options making it the 3rd most popular resource from the MJLL collection. How lovely is this feedback from Brittany, “bulletin boards are no longer a hassle to create with this cute and useful resource! I love how it matches my boho rainbow classroom theme”. You guys especially loved how the lettering matches nicely with the other MJLL Boho collections and it’s versatility and ease of use, a worthy third-place winner.
Beautiful image from @_lex_bailey on Instagram using the Boho Rainbow bulletin board letters.
The Boho Plants Meet the Teacher Template! Although a surprising winner, this editable template is such a cute way to welcome new students into your classroom so I can see why it came in at number 2. This product includes 8 different templates making it the perfect teacher tool, take it from Rachel who left this glowing review, “I needed some templates for back to school night and these were perfect. The colors are adorable and they were easy to use.”
My completed example of a meet-the-teacher template.
The Boho Rainbow Growth Mindset Posters! Teaching students how to have a growth – instead of a fixed – mindset is super important. These posters are the perfect visual aid for students to remind them of all they are capable of. Plus, they are super cute, totally on trend and the perfect addition to my best selling Boho Rainbow Classroom Decor Bundle which explains how they scored the top spot.
Maryn sent us some amazing feedback after adding these posters in her classroom. She said “this is perfect for my BOHO classroom theme! I've gotten so many compliments :)”. Thank you fo much for your feedback Maryn!
@lololoveslearning shares her completed Boho Rainbow growth mindset display – so cute!
While the following products didn’t finish in the final 3, they were still some of the most popular resources and classroom decorations in 2024 – and we all love an honorable mention. So special shout out to:
Congratulations to all our winners and nominees and best of luck for 2025 ha!
Choosing a decor theme can be hard and I know many of you love to swap your classroom theme every year with a fresh classroom decor bundle. But in 2024, there were some clear favorites when it came to classroom themes. Here are your winners for most popular classroom decor bundle in 2024.
The Spotty Boho Clasrrom Decor Bundle! With the perfect blend of soft, neutral tones and oh so cute spotty patterns, Spotty Boho is a great decor collection to create a fun classroom that doesn’t lose it’s zen vibe.
Gorgeous Spotty Boho setups.
The Spotty Bright Decor Bundle! While some didn’t LOVE how extra this collection was, so many more of you chose this vibrant and bright collection for your classrooms in 2024, and for good reason! This decor collection adds the perfect pop of color for a highly engaging classroom with decor that just lights up the room - and your student’s faces.
Some Spotty Brights classroom inspo.
And the gold Logie goes to the original (and the best) Boho Rainbow Classroom Decor Bundle! It didn’t surprise me at all that this was my top best selling decor bundle for 2024. With the perfect mix of rich boho colors and fun rainbow designs – it’s truly the perfect recipe for an adorable and engaging classroom. Thousands of teachers around the world clearly agree, as it’s now been the top contender for 3 years in a row!
Highlights of the Boho Rainbow range from real teachers' classrooms.
Even though I JUST launched my newest collection Modern Jungle, Miss Jacobs Little Learners is not slowing down any time soon. Keep an eye out for ANOTHER new collection launching ahead of the Australian back-to-school period in January 2025 – and crikey it’s going to be EPIC!
Well there you have it, MJLL 2024 wrapped. BFFs, have a safe and happy holiday and I look forward to seeing you in the new year with loads more Miss Jacobs Little Learners goodness to come.
Happy teaching and a VERY happy new year!
– Chantelle (a.k.a Miss Jacobs)
Teacher and Founder of Miss Jacobs Little Learners. If you’re dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of your students – I’m here to help you.
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sign upHarmony Day is one of my absolute favourite days to celebrate in the classroom! It’s all about embracing inclusivity, diversity, and the amazing cultures that make our communities so special....
Hi everyone! It’s Chantelle here from Miss Jacobs Little Learners! I recently asked our amazing community of teachers to spill the beans on what’s at the top of their Christmas...
I know how exciting it is to decorate the classroom and make it feel like a cozy, vibrant space for our little learners. But let’s be real—printing out all those...
Sorry to break it to you, but 2025’s just around the corner. Eek! Don’t worry, though – I’m here to bring you all the upcoming classroom trends so you and...