Classroom funnies: 15 hilarious things students have said to their teachers

Being a teacher is challenging, rewarding, gosh darn hard work, exhilarating, exhausting and all of that jazz.

And, like anything involving kids, being a teacher can often involve cheekiness, silliness, awkwardness, laugh-out-loud hilarity and (eek!) at times the brutalest of brutal honesty from students. 

Case in point, I once had a student ask me, “Why do you have a black stripe in your hair?”, pointing at my regrowth. I. died. laughing. “Gee thanks for the reminder to book in for a color appointment kid! You really shouldn’t have.”

We figured who couldn’t use more of these real-ly good belly chuckles?
So, just for fun, we put the question: “What’s the funniest thing a student has ever said to you?”’ to the MJLL community to round up the most outrageous and funny things students have said to their teachers. And oh my goodness BFFs, did you all have some rippers to share.
Let’s bask in the glorious cringey hilarity of our little learners' big comedic unfiltered mouths.

Miss Jacobs laughing at 15 hilarious things students have said to their teachers.

Kids are…health gurus

“Are you tired?” “I mean yeah I guess, it was an early morning, why?” “You have black under your eyes and that means you’re tired.”–@teachwithmg

One of my third graders said to me “do you know what a period is? My mum told me about them and you’ll get them too when you’re older, I can show you what a pad is.”–@melissamurray20. 

Oh my gosh. How sweet and innocent.


Teacher response to instagram survey, "what's the funniest thing a student has ever said to you?" answer mentioned below.


I don’t want to know how the rest of that convo went!

“Have you ever had a baby in your belly?” “No.” “When are you going to have a baby in your belly?”–@esl_tutor24

“Miss Tatnell, do you have a baby in there?” “No I don’t!” Child proceeds to rub my stomach and say “hello little baby.”–@teachingwith.miss.t. 

Why are kids all so obsessed with babies!?


Kids are…fashun police

Teacher response to instagram survey, "what's the funniest thing a student has ever said to you?" answer mentioned below.

I was wearing some overalls and a yellow shirt…“you look like a minion.” I kinda walked into that one. –@mindblowntutoring 

I bet you’ll think twice when wearing that combo again!


Kids are…tech whizzes

One of my kiddos was tired and announced “my batteries are low”. Funny and true at the same time.–@straubo

Haha yep. Mine too kiddo, mine too.


Kids are…little matchmakers

Teacher response to instagram survey, "what's the funniest thing a student has ever said to you?" answer mentioned below.

My fave was the kid who asked me if I had a husband and if not did I want him to find me one? –@katiebyyc


Kids are…bilingual

Teacher response to instagram survey, "what's the funniest thing a student has ever said to you?" answer mentioned below.

 “I can say my name in Italian do you want to hear it?”… proceeds to say her name with an Italian accent. –@emilykimmy_ 

Mamma mia, thats-a good-a one-a.


Kids are…history geniuses

We were doing this activity where each student had to bring in a baby picture. I brought one in too to participate. One of the student’s pictures was in black and white. When it came down to deciding whose picture is whose, one kid said, “the black and white one must be Mrs. Wagner’s because she is old and was born in the 1800s.” –@cass_wags89


A middle school student asked if I was alive during WWI. He was serious lol. –@ne0norsk 


A student told me I'll be ‘extinct’ before the world ends. I mean, I'm pretty grateful for that, but way to make me feel like I'm a dinosaur. –@kumonparktownnorth


“Ms. Fox, when were you born?” “1998.” “Oh, so you were born kind of in the olden days?” –@ms.foxsthirdgraders


Teacher response to instagram survey, "what's the funniest thing a student has ever said to you?" answer mentioned below.

Kids are…brutally honest

“Miss, what's your ‘real’ job?” –@sonyacrowhurst


“Why do you talk so much?” –@teachwithmisstash 


‘Nuff said. 


Got the giggles yet? Hopefully, these classroom funnies have given you a good laugh and boosted your spirits. Thanks to all the fabulous teachers for sharing their wild, hilarious and honest classroom questions from students. 


Want to keep your students’ clever, weird, creative and wonderful minds engaged in your classroom? Check out my amazing range of posters, worksheets and games.


Do you have a classroom funny to share? Our inbox is always open! Send us a message at or drop us a DM via Insta.


Classroom funnies: 15 hilarious things students have said to their teachers - Miss Jacobs Little Learners

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